Thursday, February 16, 2012

How do I cite information from a lab handout?

I want to cite my lab handout in my lab report, but I am not quite sure how to do this since it is an unpublished document. Also, the section I want to cite is an adaptation of an article, so the handout itself contains a citation. Can I use this? Or do have have to make a citation containing the handout information and the adaptation information?How do I cite information from a lab handout?I imagine it would be similar to a handout at a conference which you can see the formating (replace the presenter with you instructor and poster with handout and the conference name with the class name) from鈥?/a>

If you have gone to a conference and picked up a handout (or obtained a copy) of a paper or poster presentation and would like to use information from that handout, in section 4.16 (p. 260) the APA Publication Manual does describe how to reference this type of source. They refer to it as an "unpublished paper or presentation." The format is the same for posters and papers. Just make sure that you indicate whether your source is a poster or a paper.

Mooney, K. S., %26amp; Berndt, T. J. (2003, April). Conceptions of positive and negative features in romantic relationships and cross-sex friendships. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.

Note the above is APA formating, if you use the MLA style you'll need to convert it.

I also found at鈥?/a> a recommendation that you treat it as a book -

Lab manual or course handout

Treat most course handouts and lab manuals as books written by their assigned authors.

If you wanted to cite this handout you would cite it this way (Perkins, 2003).

Perkins, M. 2003. How to cite literature. Biology 182 Course Handout. Orange Coast College,

Costa Mesa, CA.

I would advise printing your bibliography both ways and then asking your instructor for advice and give him the correct one.
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