Monday, February 20, 2012

What can one do when the media claims information that are not true?

What can a person do when the media accuses a person opf doing something that is not true?

Can the person so for diffarmation and what else?

What if the information is not only flase but puts the person's belonging in danger?

Can the person sue for that too?What can one do when the media claims information that are not true?Yes, you can take legal action for all of the above cases, but whether it is worth the time and effort rest in your hands. Btw, the media cannot release information relevant to a current trial or a case waiting for trial if the information released contains confidential evidences or information, such as the place of residence or name of witnesses who does not wish to be revealed.What can one do when the media claims information that are not true?
Media has nothing to do with truth. It's all about entertainment and money.What can one do when the media claims information that are not true?You need to consult a civil rights attorney, only because freedom of speech may guarantee their right to say whatever they wantWhat can one do when the media claims information that are not true?
You mean like the press does on a daily basis to our soldiers fighting in Iraq? apparently you can do nothing to stop them except no longer buy their rag (which I don't) or watch their crap news show. You take everything they put in print and you question it, then you take your own results and form your own opinion. Most liberals are apparently too lazy to do that, and they just swallow what ever is fed to them. No wonder the liberal politicians have such a low opinion of their constituents.What can one do when the media claims information that are not true?it is very difficult to sue a news outlet. first you have to prove that the information was false. then you have to prove that you were financially hurt by the information. finally you have to prove that the reporter delivered the information deliberately and maliciously.

it can be done but you'll need a very good lawyer who has a bias against media types.What can one do when the media claims information that are not true?
Suck it up, that;s al you can do. Media is all about selling commercial air time and print space.What can one do when the media claims information that are not true?
What is truth anymore? We always make our own truth, based on our position. Its may be biased to you, but "right on the money" to your neighbor.

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