Monday, February 20, 2012

What are the down sides of rapidly consuming information?

I just had a shower and I was wondering, what are the detriments of sharing and consuming information super quickly and efficiently? I suppose I have to be talking exclusively about the internet, but mobile phones and probably a few other things have had a hand in it too. Is there anything bad about this? Do you see it as a problem? If so, how has this negatively affected, or how could it negatively affect our societies and even mankind? This isn't for school or anything, I'm just wondering so don't go too far out of your way.What are the down sides of rapidly consuming information?The sources are usually less than reputable.What are the down sides of rapidly consuming information?I think its a great thing to get lots of info into our brains, i mean that's what our minds are for! and its quite a powerful tool! the more you know the more you can face in this world! learning too much has neve hurt anybody so keep on learning!

-hope this helps with your deep thinking lol :)

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