Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What are your favorite websites for information about health?

I'm working on a website about health and diet, and I'm trying to link to the best health and diet information websites. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!What are your favorite websites for information about health?My favorite medical websites are "webmd", and any major hospital or teaching university...Mayoclinic.com is an excellent oneWhat are your favorite websites for information about health?Depends on what information you are looking for. www.americanheart.org for heart disease, www.fda.gov for new warnings on drugs, www.cdc.gov for infectious disease, www.nih.gov for medical research, the list goes on and on.

In general websites run by the government or national associations are excellent sources of information.What are your favorite websites for information about health?Heartsite.com (for cardiac issues)What are your favorite websites for information about health?
webmd, rxlist, mayoclinic I have many others that I use but these are the ones I use most for general information.

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