Friday, January 27, 2012

Simple primary and secondary structure of DNA hold the information needed to code?

How does the simple primary and secondary structure of DNA hold the information needed to code for the many features of multicellular organisms?

A.) The hydrogen bonding among backbone constituents carries coded information

B.) The base sequence of DNA carries all the information needed to code for proteins.

C.) The covalent bonding among backbone constituents contains the information that is passed from generation to generation.

D.) The amino acids that make up the DNA molecule contain the information needed to make cellular proeins.Simple primary and secondary structure of DNA hold the information needed to code?B. The base sequence of DNA (those A, G, T, C letters you see thrown around) code for certain amino acids. A chain of those amino acids form a protein. Proteins are needed for everything your body does.Simple primary and secondary structure of DNA hold the information needed to code?B.) The base sequence of DNA carries all the information needed to code for proteins.

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